Jesse G, grew up working on computers. He fondly remembers playing space invaders on a Tandy II. Jesse has over 12 years experience working in the industry on everything from single page brochure sites to multi-million dollar enterprise level sites. When not buried deep in the latest programming book. Jesse G enjoys fishing, camping, hiking, mountain biking, hunting, and spending time with his wife and twin daughters.



Articles written:

Add a “Post to Diigo” button to your site


If you are like me, you use a social bookmarking tool to keep track of all the links you come across that you would like to revisit later or share with someone. I love social bookmarking tools for their easy… read more

The X-Frame-Options Header

The X Frame Options Header Header append X-FRAME-OPTIONS "SAMEORIGIN" The X Frame Options Header helps to prevent an attack called "clickjacking". In a clickjacking attack, the attacker places your site in an invisable frame on top of malicious content in… read more